Wednesday, October 1, 2014

BCBS of NC Plans

I'm researching again. It seems they have expanded their network of doctors..... But who can afford these plans? $1030 a month in premiums gets you an $11,000 deductible and a large network. Who could afford to see a doctor after those premiums and having such a high deductible. But, for $1100 you can downgrade to a limited network of doctors and decrease your deductible. Like your doctor? Oops... He's not on the limited network.  Then there's the $1776 a month plan (I'm calling it the Freedom Plan). - don't feed the kids, put gas in your car or buy cleaning products and you, too, can have a large network, low deductible plan.  These are 2014 plans. Trying to find 2015 plans.

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